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قديم 02-04-2005, 11:49 AM
الصورة الرمزية العنيد
العنيد العنيد غير متصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2005
الدولة: أبوظبــــي دار الظبــي
العمر: 41
المشاركات: 4,997
معدل تقييم المستوى: 24
العنيد is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيـــــــــــك استاذي الفاضل فالح العمره على هذا الرد الطيب...وابشر طال عمرك هذا هو البحث الذي قمت بكتااااااابته ولك خالص شكري وتقديري:
ملاحظة الي الان لم اقم بمراجعة القواعد في البحث: ومنكم السموحه:

Thesis Statement :

The Autism is considered one of the serious disability, which infect many children around the world, and it may continue throughout their life if they do not get the assistance they need at an early age.

I. Abstract:

Autism considered one of the serious disabilities, which spread between several children around the world, and it may infect boys more than girls. In addition, this disorder may occur in any child around the world without any link to any factor whether it is the child’s gender, class of society or condition of life. Moreover, there are many kinds of symptoms of this disability and it can be diagnosed through the child’s reaction like how he is interacting with others. The Autistic child may infect by this disorder and it could continue in their life but that dose not mean that it could not be treated. It is extremely important that parent learn about this disability in order to deal with their children by many strategies to support them in spite of the time it may take to care for these children.

II. Terms of reference:

This report was written as a part of project for basic information in literacy skills in the University programs. It gives the reader general information about the Autism disability in the childhood stage and its effects in children. In addition it will discuss about many different ways to help the autistic child to overcome his disability. Also I will find out what is the role of the society these children to get over their disability and life as an ordinary life. The information was obtained from encyclopedia, books, the Internet and databases. The report will define Autism and kinds of its symptoms on children, the causes of its occurrence and how it can be treated.

III. Introduction:

The Autism is one of the serious disabilities that infect many children around the world at an early age, which prevents them from interacting with anything around them in normal way. I choose this disease as the topic of my report because there are many children who suffer from this disability. Many parents should be aware of this disability in order to give their children the appropriate assistance that they need to overcome this disability.

IV. Definition of Autism and statistics

The Autism is type of disability that makes the children have many difficulties to understand what around them whether it is visual things or sounds. It not only can influence their bodies, but also that will makes a serious problem in their interacting with what is around them such as their relationship with others (Autism Primer).

In general, boys are more likely to be infected by this disability than girls, and they are called the “autistic children”. According to many statistics they found that the Autism rarely infect children. For instance, it may infect 1 person in about 700 (“Autism”). While there is other sources showed that it is infect about one person in every 500. Moreover, American Society considered one of the societies that suffering from this disability. There is more than one half million people suffering from the Autism or other type of disabilities in the U.S.A today. Therefore, “Its prevalence rate makes autism one of the most common developmental disabilities” recently (Autism Information). For example, there is a statistic in North Carolina showed that 10,000 people suffering of this disability. Whereas it infects 1 or two in about 1000 births (Autism Primer).

V. The Symptoms

As any kind of disability, the autism has different kinds of symptoms. Therefore they will behave differently between one child and another. The first symptom according to (“Autism”) is called Social detachment and unresponsiveness. The parents usually observe some differences in their children. For instance, they do not smile or appear to have any interaction with what is around them. Moreover, the autistic children usually have a tendency to be isolated, and prefer to live lonely than interacting with the world around them. This is because they do not understand what is around them. The second symptom is the abnormal language. This symptom considered one of the most important problems that effects the child’s pronouncement. For example, they may appear difficulty to say a certain words like “yes” or “I”. Therefore, they may repeat the question to “express the idea of yes”. The autistic children are not only likely to face problems in speaking, but also in understanding what others say.

Insistence on sameness is the third symptom of this disability. This category of autistic children is likely to refuse any change around them. For example, they may behave aggressively if parent try to put their toys in a different room that they are used to. There is other symptom called unusual movement. In this symptom, the autistic children may appear strange movements by their bodies like “wave their arms, and flick their fingers”. Based to all that, they may walking around without any particular aim. The Negativism is another type of Autism symptoms. Many Autistic children behave negatively. For instance, they behave against what their parent want. Moreover, the request may be too difficult for them to understand, therefore they behave negatively.

The sixth symptom is called the Mechanical Fascination. This symptom makes the autistic child show a tendency to a certain thing and refuse anything else like a particular toy. On the other hand, they may appear a fear from certain thing or sounds like “flushing a toilet”. Further, there is other symptom called the mental retardation. The

mental retardation is one of the most common symptoms that infect most of the autistic people. It infects 80 percent of autistic children and adult. This category of child usually
faces a difficulty in understanding, therefore it will normally for them that they can not solve any problem, which seems easy for an ordinary child at the same of their age to
solve it. The last symptom of this disability is called the special skills. Children who show this symptom usually have an ability to “memorize long lists of names or numbers, or tell the day of the week in which a date will fall in any future year”, but it is hard for them to behave socially with what around them. While there is other autistic children who “can draw amazing accurate pictures or street maps”.

VI. The variety of differences in Autistic children:

In general, the Autism symptoms differ between one child and another. Many autistic children may think according to their imagination. For instance, they can not understand what they hear without a description by a picture because they depend on their imagination as their first language. Therefore, many children tend to like many activities as drawing. While there is other category of autistic children who used to concern on something like a certain toy. This is a simple example shows that the Autism is differs from child to another (Scott, Clark, and Brady 59). Based to all that, some autistic children sometimes have something make them do particular things without having the ability and the experience to do it such as “ play a Beethoven sonata after hearing it just once”, while others can solve difficult problems in math subject, and they called the “autistic savant”(Riccio, Nina M).

VI. Causes of its occurrence:

Although of the modern development in the medical field, they still looking to know the main cause, which resulted in autism occurrence. In 1943 Leo kanner was the first one who diagnosed the main cause of the autism as a heredity, which means that people born with it. In addition to that, there are many studies recently agree that the autism

resulted from a disorder that infect the certain parts of the brain which “control emotional, social, and language development” , and that’s will prevent the brain from
working normally. Therefore, it will be hard for this category of people to understand and interact with what is around them (“Autism”). While In the past there were several studies that were searching for the main cause of the autism. Some of these studies related the main cause of the autism to the environment factor that the child grew in like the “bad parenting”. While other studies diagnosed the autism as a “mental illness”. Moreover, there is a studies now believe that there is gene may resulted in the autism occurrence, but it is so complicated to understand and diagnose “Autism Information”.

VIII. Strategies to assist Autistic children:

Although the main cause of Autism occurrence is still unknown, there are many studies that show that the autistic children have the ability to improve and show an interaction and understanding of the world around them. Recently it has been discovered that this disability can be treated over time through the good caring and assistance (Autism Primer). For instance, there is one of these autistic children who received good assistance since he was young, and now he is working at a university and lives an ordinary life. So, the good care guides us to understand that many of these children can improve by many special methods of education.

For some autistic children who depend on their imagination or simple world to understand what around them need special program to help them. Then teachers for example, they may use some toys to explain for them. Such as, a toy plane to explain the meaning of the word “up”. Also, teachers may use a certain toy that child appear a tendency to this toy like the train toy to teach him some of math methods. Moreover, they may sometimes need to learn the numbers, which may be difficult for them to memorize. These category of children need a strategies that enable them to learn numbers. For instance, they may need to learn every numbers with different length and
color of the toy. For example, one toy such as a car toy is red while there are a group of them show number 3 by other color except the red color one. By that, many autistic children learn hoe to solve math problems by many ways like adding and subtract (Scott, Clark, and Brady 59,60). Other autistic children usually appear an interesting and
tendency to kind of activities like drawing. Therefore, they need an encouragement to improve these activities, which help the child to use her energy in something good that may become useful for him/her in future. For instance, many autistic children who grow up and could work after that are usually very good in their jobs.

Moreover, most of them may tend to kind of jobs, which contains their interesting in the same time like work as an artist, painter, farmer, dishwasher or even in the technology
fields like computer (Autism Primer). Every category of autistic children may appear to have different symptoms. For instance, there are some children who have difficulty in writing, because they can not control their hands. Therefore, it will be hard for them to write easily. To a void this situation the use of the computer is the best way to teach them the writing. This way makes them feel much better and comfortable in writing (Scott, Clark, and Brady 59,60).

Further, there is a way to support this category of children which called “behaviour modification”. It is one of the good ways that teach the children how to learn a new skill they need to communicate with others, in spite of the time it may takes. For example, there are some autistic children are likely to loss any skill they learned for a long time, therefore they have to go to school regularly and practice these skills during their life to not loss it again by participate and sharing what they have learned with others during their life (“Autism”)

IX. Conclusion:

In brief, although Autism is a serious problem that may infect many children around the world, it still can be treated by many strategies and with support from society. As

with any kind of disability, Autism has different symptoms that appear at an early age. Also it may continue throughout their life for some of them, while others appear to have
the ability to improve and live their life in a normal way. There are a lot of strategies that support this category of children to improve their way of life and even work in future to become a productive person. Even though most autistic children may tend to be isolated, there are many ways to teach them how to communicate with others. For example, parents may communicate with the teacher to learn how to communicate with their autistic child. Further, Dr. Pratt mentioned that autistic children could learn how to act in
any kinds of situation like in class; therefore, they will learn the effect of their behavior if it is appropriate. Also, autistic children do not like to do something immediately when the others or parents want, but once they learn some rules, they will not Forget (Riccio, Nina M).

Recommendation: ْX.

Lastly, in my opinion, I think that the society should support these children in many ways to help them to overcome their disability in spite of the time that it may take. Also, I see that it is important to educate the parents about this disability to enable them to give these children the support that they need. For example, the media can play a big role to show the people and make them aware of this disability. Moreover, it is important that
the government take care of these children by build many hospitals and schools that depend on special education and have quality teachers and doctors. And I believe that
giving opportunities to participate in events and celebrations, whether it is at home or school, will give them more chances to practice what social skills they learn at school.

XI. Bibliography

“Autism.” The World Book Encyclopedia. London:
World Book International, 1997.

Autism Information.2001. The Autism Society.3 March 2002.
< http://www.dougflutiejrfoundation.org/autism_information.htmail>

Autism Primer: Twenty Questions And Answer. 11 January 2000. The University of
North Carolina. 10th March, 2002. <http://www.teacch.com/20ques.htm>

Riccio, Nina M. “Understanding Autism.” Current Health Dec99:m28+ Academic Search
Primer. EBSCOhost. Zayed university library. 12 March.

Scott, jack, Claudia, Clark , and Michel, P. Brady. Student With Autism. San Diego:
Singular Publishing Group, 2000.

Scott, jack, Claudia, Clark , and Michel, P. Brady ed. “A brief History Of Autism”
Chapter in Student With Autism. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, 2000.

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